Muhammad Awais Umar

Muhammad Awais Umar-SDPI

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Muhammad Awais Umar

Research Associate

Mr Muhammad Awais Umar holds a master’s degree in Environmental Economics from Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. He has extensive experience in the field of environment and climate change. At SDPI, he has worked on a project titled: Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies (PRISE). The project was about developing livelihood resilience for the semi-Arid regions of Pakistan. In another similar project, Combating Heat Stress in South Asia, he examined the role of heat stress in deciding about migration of the rural household. Currently, he is part of the Resilient Development Programme, at SDPI and is looking after community resilience activities, including DRR, CCA, and a Community Resilience Research Network - a country-wide forum comprising senior researchers from academia and civil society. 

He has produced many research papers on climate-related issues as well as coercive diplomacy. His expertise in data collection, data analysis, report writing, and project management. He has strong team leadership skills blended with academic prowess in the field of economics and the environment.


Pakistan Community Resilience Research Network


Business for Peace


Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies (PRISE)

Advancing Strategies in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: Bridging the Gaps in P/CVE Research and Practice
Towards Sustainable Consumption and Production: Assessing Pakistan’s Progress on SDG 12
Integrating Anticipatory Actions with Social Safety Programs in Pakistan
Case Study: How the Humanitarian Partnership Landscape Has Changed in the Light of the Grand Bargain and Charter for Change (C4C) in Pakistan
Claiming Reparation for Loss and Damage Due to Floods 2022: The Case of Pakistan
Pakistan's Institutional Capacity for Climate Action: An Analysis
Climate Finance for Resilient Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities
Disaster Risk Reduction Policy Implementation in Pakistan in Line with Sendai Framework
State of SDG 12 Compliance in Pakistan - Sustainable Consumption and Production (PB-93)
Combating heat stress in South Asia - A Cross-CARIAA effort
Migration and Household Adaptation in Climate-Sensitive Hotspots in South Asia
Dimensions of Diplomatic Coercion in Middle East
Evaluating Foreign Policy of Pakistan in the context of Strategic Coercion
Exposure, Impacts, and Responses to Heat Stress: A Comparison Between Rural and Peri-urban Poor Population
Food Security and Challenges of Climate Change: A Case Study of Punjab, Pakistan
What Defines Livelihood Vulnerability in Rural Semi-Arid Areas? Evidence from Pakistan
Rural livelihood vulnerability in semi-arid Pakistan: the scope of migration as an adaptation strategy
The role of heat stress in migration decisions: A case study of Faisalabad (PRISE Publication)
Climate Change Resilience through Migration: A Case of Pakistan
Migration futures in Asia and Africa: economic opportunities and distributional effects - the case of Pakistan
Social Enterprise Landscape in Pakistan

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