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No sustainable development sans women empowerment: Alvi
World order based on people’s participation, morality to bring peace, sustainable development: President
World Order Based On People's Participation, Morality To Bring Peace, Sustainable Development: President
‘Light at the End of the Tunnel: Hope in Times of Despair’, SDPI’s 26th Sustainable Development Conference kicks off from tomorrow
Light at the End of the Tunnel: Hope in Times of Despair
‘Light at the End of the Tunnel: Hope in Times of Despair’
Roundtable calls for fiscal overhaul, consensus on economic agenda before polls
Experts Call For Pakistan’s Economic Reset For Stability
Pakistan needs serious in-house reset to achieve economic balance: Experts
“Balancing Geostrategic and Economic Diplomacy”
Pak needs a serious inhouse reset & order amid improved governance to achieve an economic & geostrategic balance in the region: Experts
Mushaal Mullick stresses the need for empowering women & enhancing their role in decision making & policy formulation
Pakistan needs serious in-house reset to achieve economic balance: Experts
Pakistan needs serious domestic reset to achieve economic balance: experts
امن اور پائیدار ترقی کے لیے اخلاقیات پر مبنی عالمی نظام کو اپنانے کی ضرورت ہے،صدرمملکت ڈاکٹر عارف علوی کا ایس ڈی پی آئی کے زیر اہتمام 26 ویں پائیدار ترقی کانفرنس سے خطاب
حقیقی ترقی کا خواب خواتین کو بااختیار بنانے کے بغیر ممکن نہیں، مشعال ملک
حقیقی ترقی کا خواب خواتین کو بااختیار بنانے کے بغیر ممکن نہیں، مشعال ملک
پاکستان میں اندازِحکمرانی بہتربنا کر اعلی معاشی اہداف حاصل کئے جا سکتے ہیں،مقررین کا سالانہ پائیدار ترقی کانفرنس سے خطاب
HDF marks 25 years of transformative impact
HDF marks 25 years of transformative impact
Economist terms energy sector ‘black hole’
Abid Suleri For Promoting Slogan 'Wealth To Individuals, Resources To Society' For Sustainable Development
Wealth belongs to individual, and resources belong to society: Dr. Abid Qaiyum Suleri
SDPI’s Confers Living Legend Award On Pioneer Environmentalist Dr Parvez Hassan
پالیسی ادارہ برائے پائیداترقی کے تحت اسلام آباد میں سالانہ پائیدار ترقی کانفرنس
No good news on external debt restructuring: Shamshad
Pakistan exploring debt for nature swaps with global agencies: Shamshad
Economic growth has to be backed by structural reforms: Shamshad
Interim regime committed to IMF programme: Dr Shamshad
Pakistan Exploring Debt For Nature Swaps With Global Agencies: Shamshad
Pakistan explores debt-for-nature-swap with global agencies: Shamshad
Pakistan exploring debt for nature swaps with global agencies: Shamshad Akhtar
Pakistan exploring debt for nature swaps with global agencies: Dr. Shamshad Akhtar
Pakistan exploring debt for nature swaps with global agencies: Shamshad Akhtar
معیشت کی بہتری کیلئے خصوصی سرمایہ کاری سہولت کونسل اور نگراں وزیراعظم کی طرف سے معاونت مل رہی ہے، نگران وفاقی وزیر خزانہ کا انٹرویو
موسمیاتی تبدیلیوں کے مذید خطرات بڑھتے ہوئے نظر آ رہے ہیں۔ ڈاکٹر شمشاد اختر
SDPI’s confers Living Legend Award on pioneer environmentalist Dr Parvez Hassan
SDPI’s Confers Living Legend Award On Pioneer Environmentalist Dr Parvez Hassan
SDPI’s Living legend award presented on Dr. Pervez Hassan
SDPI’s confers Living Legend Award on pioneer environmentalist Dr Parvez Hassan
SDPI’s Confers Living Legend Award On Pioneer Environmentalist Dr Parvez Hassan
ماحولیاتی قوانین کی تاریخ ڈاکٹر پرویز حسن کے کام کے بغیر نامکمل ہے: جسٹس منصور علی شاہ
Govt remains committed to tackling challenges of climate change, ensuring food security: Sami Saeed
موسمیاتی تبدیلیوں سے پیدا ہونے والے چیلنجز سے نمٹنے اور غذائی تحفظ کیلئے ایس آئی ایف سی بھرپور اقدامات اٹھا رہی ہے، نگران وفاقی وزیر سمیع سعید
ایس آئی ایف سی کے تحت غذائی تحفظ کے لئے اقدام کر رہے، سمیع سعید
Nestlé Pakistan wins Sustainability Award
Nestlé Pakistan wins two top awards
Nestlé wins Sustainability Awards
Nestlé Pakistan wins Sustainability Awards
Addressing climate change, food security issues govt’s top priority: Sami
Govt Remains Committed To Tackling Challenges Of Climate Change, Ensuring Food Security: Sami Saeed
Govt Dedicated to Address Challenges Posed by Climate Change: Minister
SIFC is taking vigorous measures to deal with the challenges arising from climate change and food security, said Federal Minister Sami Saeed.
Pakistan exploring debt for nature swaps: Shamshad
Sachs on Pakistan’s economy
Experts urge higher tax on cigarettes
The Spread Of Smoking: Experts Call For Punitive Measures
Media urged to highlight sufferings of flood-hit communities
Media urged to spotlight a flood suffering at COP-28
National media should amplify sufferings of flood-impacted communities at COP-28: Experts
Media Urged To Amplify Suffering Of Flood Affected Communities During COP28 Proceedings
Fiscal policies & debt management pressing challenges for Pakistan: Dr Hamza
Experts say a holistic framework is required to address P/CVE Violent response to violence not a solution: NACTA Director
Growth must be backed by structural reforms
Leading the way in Sustainable Practices: Nestlé wins two Sustainability Awards
Experts for sustained action to control inflation crisis
Sustained action amid global recession must to avert financial implication: Experts
Sustained Action Amid Global Recession Must To Avert Financial Implication: Experts
Sustained action amid global recession a must to avert financial implication: Experts says at 26th Sustainable Development Conference organized by SDPI
Experts Suggest Sustained Action to Avert Implications of Global Economic Recession
Pakistan needs efficient policy framework to exploit carbon market potential: Experts
Pakistan will require $101b for energy sector transition by 2030
Pakistan Needs Efficient Policy Framework To Exploit Carbon Market Potential: Experts
Call for exploiting Carbon Market Potential
Pakistan Needs Efficient Policy Framework To Exploit Carbon Market Potential: Experts