Sustainable Livelihoods

Sustainable Livelihoods-SDPI

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Sustainable Livelihoods

Reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing resilience is a must for sustainable livelihoods. SDPI has been conducting empirical research not only to come up with recommendations to strengthen livelihood assets but also to foster a socio-political and socio-economic conducive environment where these assets may be turned into livelihood activities. Most of the research on livelihood issues has been carried out under SDPI’s flagship partnership with Swiss academic institutes under a 12-year program, National Centre for Competence in Research (NCCR). NCCR is in its last year now and SDPI’s work on livelihood issue is gradually expanding.

We believe that livelihood sustainability is a must for achieving social sustainability, for an effective and positive societal transformation for ensuring food security (socio-economic access to food) and for curbing militancy. Currently, SDPI\'s researchers are working on the following dimensions of sustainable livelihoods.

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